
July 27, 2024

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Mycotoxin development & decontamination


Mycotoxins may be found in urine or a mould affected home, but there are far worse microbial pathogens likely to be present.

Mycotoxin development and decontamination

Mycotoxins - clean manufacturing factory

Chernobyl sarcophagus, now brown. The same mould genus eating
radiation is routinely found in homes by (evidence by

Bio Amplification of bacteria, mould and even  virus is often associated with ideal environmental conditions. While these elements may be competitive and even combative but when in unison unison may have synergistic effect greater than their individual components. The concentric differing colour rings we often see on water stains are usually battle lines between different  genus or species. With some bacteria producing antifungals and some moulds producing antibiotics the mass production of  toxic chemicals maybe a health risk.

While Mycotoxins are expensive in energy terms for mould to develop, they are rarely present when the mould is enjoying dark moist cavities. Bacteria and  mould do however produce defence and attack systems when under threat or attack. Convergence of different overwhelming species or attack by humans with biocides and antifungals, even drying out and desiccation.

Mould simply cannot be killed and nor can mycotoxins! There are many companies that promote their products as killing mould but the following two extremes

Killing Mould

  • Bleach.

A peer review study shows simulation how a whole building could be submerged in active bleach, changing the solution 6 times and hour while it disappeared it re grew within weeks. Note Bleach is neutralised by organic material, hence the need to change solution)

  • Gamma Radiation

The Chernobyl nuclear accident saw a sarcophagus bult over the melt down reactor. The roof is now changing colour as a mould is growing towards the core, eating radiation. If massive exposure to gamma radiation can’t kill it nothing  can?  

Chernobyl sarcophagus, now brown. The same mould genus eating radiation is routinely found in homes by (evidence by

Mycotoxins - doctor research test tube
Mycotoxins - doctor research about mould infection
  • Ingestion

This is from contaminated foods , usually nuts, grains and stored foods. With strict government legislation and monitoring of mycotoxins in foodstuff, measured in parts per billion per ton, this might not be the main route of exposure.

  • Dermal absorption

As the skin is our largest organ this might be a a major route of exposure if your home was extremely contaminated and you didn’t wear clothes. WMDs do use dermal contact but this is from acute concentrated exposure not low chronic exposure, but still possible in the home.

  • Inhalation

By far the most likely exposure route. The WHO estimate the small <7.5micron range of particulates bypass all human defences to enter the blood stream. This increases dose by 40-fold (ref WHO)Mycotoxins can be expected to be attached to surfaces and or hyphal fragments.

Companies that specialise in high level risk and reduction and decontamination are and


Mycotoxins & skin contact

Mycotoxins & skin contact

When a medical professional confirms mycotoxins may be affecting health there is of course a requirement..
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Mycotoxin in the air

Mycotoxin in the air

Although mycotoxins are semi volatile they due not move into the air on their own under normal circumstances...
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Mycotoxin on surfaces

Mycotoxin on surfaces

This lab analysis typically shows N.D. which a Not Detected..
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