How we can assist you
Mycotoxins are not water soluble, have relatively low vapour pressure. These challenges require novel solutions for risk reduction. Two pieces of specialist equipment used in mycotoxin removal.
Mycotoxins questions
- Do you accept that Mycotoxins may or may not be responsible for your building related illness, and that bacteria and other issues may present a health challenge
- Please accept urine and even blood testing may not represent a full picture of exposure or causation. And that further investigation may be required.
- Do you accept that building related illness is complex and other pathogens may be involved.
We provide:
- Advice from qualified member of Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and Council Certified Indoor Environmental Hygienist.
- Review of Lab results and way forward
- Detailed investigation and analysis using state of art labs to fit budget.
- Review of circumstances, causation effect
- Review of your proposed actions
- Recommendation (based on survey)
- Support to your functional medicine practitioner
- Investigation, for presence, cause and effect
- Sampling and analysis with report interpretation
- Risk reduction decontamination